0 Trend trading is a very effective way to trade most instruments.
The MAX uses multiple, high probability Entry Setups, coupled with direction/bias indicators to take early advantage of the trend.
You can boosts profits by adding to the initial order (a.k.a. Scaling-In, Order stacking, reverse/anti martingale, pyramiding)
Risk is carefully monitored and in many cases, the trade can become a zero risk, guaranteed profit trade.
“MAX Standard” flagship course for the serious trader, & “MAX Primer” for the beginners.
Follow-up with MAX SAM & MAX Advanced Courses for further trading skills and potential profits.
All courses provide precise, detailed Entry & Exit Setups with the bias direction to get you more safely into high probability trend trades.
MAX Money Management (MMM) techniques can protect your account money as well as profits. Many times, this techniques can move a trade into a no loss situation.
The MAX Standard’s Profit Acceleration techniques can outperform simple Buy & Hold style trade systems (eg MAX Primer).
MAX SAM & MAX Advanced Course can build on your MAX Standard skills & give you even more advantage.